Access for all?

Access for all?

I’m a carriage driver. I have a pony and a lightweight four-wheeled carriage. Many drivers are older, some disabled/less able and driving is a traditional low-impact means of transport. We are a tiny minority and need to get off-road as much as other vulnerable road users. Driving a horse or pony is a good way to see the countryside with friends and family, cycling or horse riding. About 85% equestrians are female: b&b for horses and long-distance driving is part of rural tourism. Include us?


Completely agree - lots of attention on walking and cycling and less so on equestrian use, ridden or driving. Having places allocated for parking trailers/wagons would be fantastic (I am constantly in a state of fear that I will get stuck with my trailer as it needs a turning orbit!). Check out Carwags car park at Beacon Fell - perfect - plenty of turning space, picnic area, toilets, water tap and away from the main visitor centre and parking area.

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